Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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7 Days To Leading Easter Worship Well

Easter will be here before you know it! It's time to start preparing if you haven't started already.

But, where do you start? You've got songs to pick out, volunteers to schedule, special elements to create, and a team to lead through the whole process. There's no doubt that Easter can be one of the busiest seasons of the church year. What if there was a way to prepare in advance that set you up to be stress free - not just on Easter morning - but during the entire week leading up to Easter?

Well, I put together a week long devotional that will help you get prepared for Easter. How's it work? Each day you'll work through a short practical devotional and then reflect on what you learned. You'll learn some tips for preparing for Easter and then actually have a chance to put it into practice!

Here are a few things you'll learn in this devotional:

1 | 3 Ideas To Consider When Planning Your Easter Service

2 | 4 Ways To Engage People Who Only Come To Church Once A Year

3 | 3 Ways To Thank Your Worship Team During Easter

4 | 3 Non-Musical Ways To Lead People In Worship At Your Easter Gathering

5 | 3 Reasons It's Okay To Take Some Time Off After Easter

You'll learn all this plus a few more things along the way! All you have to do to get prepared for Easter is download the FREE devotional - 7 Days To Leading Easter Worship Well: A Practical Devotional For Worship Leaders Preparing For Easter.

Happy Easter planning!

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