A case for Gospel-Shaped worship services. (Video)
What's the SHAPE of your worship service?
Liturgy. Order of worship. Whatever you want to call it. Every church has a SHAPE to their service. They all have a regular way they do things on Sunday mornings.
Whether intentionally or unintentionally, their liturgy reveals what they believe about worship.
That's why I think it's important to consider what your service structure teaches your church about worship.
I've been thinking about the shape of my service a lot recently and landed on shaping it like the Gospel. That means that not only is the CONTENT of the service Gospel focused, but the STRUCTURE of the service is as well.
When we gather together for worship on Sunday mornings, we RE-ENACT the Gospel story. In doing so, we glorify God, edify each other, and the Gospel is shared with any unbeliever who might be present.
That's why, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "A case for Gospel-Shaped worship services."
In the video, I'll share with you why I think you should structure your worship service in a way that is consistent with the Gospel story.
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