Be A Curious Worship Leader
"I wonder what would happen if...?" It's one of the most powerful questions you can ask in your worship leadership. The day you stop asking that question is the day your innovation dies.
Curiosity is the cornerstone of constantly creative leadership. (Sorry, I had to come up with a short pithy statement because that's what everyone does in the church world - who do they think they are? Jesus? )
But it's true. Maybe you've been there - completely stuck in the routine. Doing the same thing over and over again because you're afraid to ask the question: what if?
Here are 3 areas where worship leaders should be curious:
1️⃣ Be curious in your musicianship
When's the last time you learned something new musically? The best way to learn is by doing! So break out of your comfort zone! You learned to play G, C, D, and Em - great! What's next?
Ask yourself the question: "I wonder what would happen if..."
Let me fill in the blank for you a few times - "I wonder what would happen if...":
"I jumped the octave in this part of the song."
"I added my finger to the fourth fret while playing a G chord."
"I tried playing electric on Sunday with one less pedal instead of one more." (Did I say that out loud? )
2 | Be curious in your team leadership
When's the last time you were curious in your team leadership? Being curious in your team leadership often creates new leaders.
Let me fill in the blank for you again "I wonder what would happen if...":
"She led the song instead of me this Sunday."
"I planned a Sunday off and let other people handle leading worship."
"I asked him if he knew how to play any instruments because, if he did, he'd be a great fit for the worship team."
3 | Be curious in your worship leadership
When's the last time you took a chance while leading worship - when you clearly felt the spirit leading you and you actually took action on the prompting?
One last time, let me fill in the blank for you - "I wonder what would happen if..."
"We DIDN'T start our service with an upbeat song."
"We repeated the 1st verse at the end of the song."
"We went completely unplugged this Sunday."
Leave a comment letting us know how you're going to be curious this week!
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