Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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Become a Student of Worship Leading - Watch Other Churches' Livestreams

It's important to become a student of worship leading. Leaders are learners. We should be seeking constant improvement by learning new things.

My favorite way to learn about worship leading is to watch how other people lead worship. The good news is that there is no shortage of worship live streams today!

Tens of thousands of churches across the entire world are live streaming their Sunday worship gatherings. We can learn a lot from simply watching these live streams and being a student of worship leading.

This week, take the time to watch one recording of another church's worship gathering. Pick one church that is just ahead of you in terms of size and see how they do things.

As you watch, ask the questions: what do I like about how they lead? What do I dislike about how they lead? What can I learn from this and implement in my own leading?

Leaders are learners. Become a student of worship leading!