Clarify the Worship Win

Clarify the worship win

Do you ever find it difficult to evaluate how your worship leading was? You ask the team and they reply with "It was good." Or "It felt right." Or "No one fell asleep this time." But there's never really any qualitative evaluation. It either felt good or it didn't.

So how do you know if you've actually been successful in your worship leading? You've got to clarify the win!

When we clarify the win, it helps us to get better at what we do because we have something we're actually aiming for.

I'm not going to clarify your win for you. I want you to ask the question to your team next rehearsal, "What does it look like to 'win' when leading worship." Have a discussion around the topic. Then write down those 3 or 4 characteristics of 'winning' worship and evaluate after Sunday if you've met the criteria. If you haven't, figure out what needs to change. If you have, CELEBRATE!

5 tips to instantly improve your worship leading

FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.