How Big of a Commitment Should You Ask From Your Worship Team?
It's hard to find the balance of how much you should ask your worship team to commit to. Often teams, worship leaders end up asking their team to only make a small commitment. There are several underlying ideas that you're reinforcing when you ask your team to make a small commitment.
Here are 4 things asking your worship team to only make a small commitment does:
1 | It communicates the mission isn't very important
Small missions require small commitments. Large mission require large commitments. The commitment you ask of your team directly communicates how big the mission is. When you tell your team they only need to show up and run through the songs on Sunday morning, that really tells them that Sunday mornings aren't that important.
2 | It communicates their serving isn't very important
People know that if your church is accomplishing anything of significance, it takes a significant amount of work. When you ask your volunteers to only make a small commitment, you are really communicating that they can't help accomplish the larger mission. They're only capable of doing the small stuff. Instead, utilize the enormity of your mission to get people to buy into the vision.
3 | It leads to a consumer culture where people only have to do the bare minimum
Small commitments are only one step above a complete consumer culture. You communicate that service in the church is not the congregation's responsibility. You communicate that they only need to sit back and do the bare minimum and they'll be taken care of.
4 | You aren't building new leaders
If no one is ever asked to make a large commitment, you won't have any future leaders in your church. Think about how you first got into leading something at your church: someone asked you to make a bigger commitment than you already had (and probably way past what you were ready for.) Large commitments lead to future leaders. In fact, giving away more responsibility is actually one of the best ways to train up new worship leaders!
Are you ready to make the jump and ask your team to commit to something bigger? What if you just started with a weekly rehearsal? Find out what your weekly rehearsal should include here.
What do you ask your worship team to commit to? Let us know in the comments!
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