How To ACTUALLY Create Culture In Your Worship Ministry
In Monday's post we talked about how a healthy culture was one of the essential pieces of a sustainable worship ministry.
The truth is culture will naturally develop on your team over time - for better or for worse.
So, if you want it to be for the better, you need a plan to steer the culture in the direction you want it to go.
Here is how to actually create culture in your worship ministry:
1 | Identify what's important
In order to create a healthy culture on your team, you have to actually know what you want the culture to look like.
Think about your worship team 5 years from now - what is the ideal picture of how your team would function?
Would people come to rehearsal prepared? Would people treat your team - not just like a band - but a family?
2 | Communicate it to your team
It's not enough to just KNOW what you want your team's culture to look like - you have to communicate it to your team.
Don't keep your ideal culture a secret - let your team know so you can create it together.
Say things like, "We are a worship team that..." Or "As a team, we believe..."
3 | Communicate it AGAIN to your team
It's not enough to just communicate what you want your culture to look like to your team ONCE.
People are forgetful. They need to hear it again and again and again.
Culture isn't built in one small 15 minute worship team devotional. It take at least a year - usually longer.
4 | Create systems that reinforce the culture you want
In addition to SPEAKING about the culture of your team, the systems you have in place need to reinforce that culture.
If you want people to be prepared for rehearsal, you better make sure you get them what they need to prepare in advance!
If you say, "we are a team that believes in proper preparation" but only send out the song list the night before rehearsal - you don't actually believe in proper preparation.
5 | Hold people accountable to the culture you expect
To maintain the culture you've built, you have to have hard conversations. When someone isn't living up to the culture you envision for your team - address it.
It'll be difficult in the short term but worth it in the end.
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