How to be an anointed worship leader. (Video)
Buzz word alert: Anointed!
We hear this word everywhere in worship circles these days.
“That was such an ANOINTED time of worship.”
“She’s such an ANOINTED worship leader.”
“That song has a powerful ANOINTING on it.”
But have you ever stopped to ask what the word “anointing” actually means?
Is it something a song can have? Is it something we can obtain? Is it something we can grow in? Is it something we can lose?
Well, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "How to be an anointed worship leader."
In the video, you’ll learn what the Bible has to say about “anointing” for New Testament believers and how it applies to your worship ministry.
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FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.