How To Become A Full-Time Worship Leader (with Caleb Holgerson from Worship Leader Coaching) (Video)
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is: "How do I become a full-time worship leader at a church?"
The question comes either from young worship leaders who want to make it their career or from worship leaders who have spent a long time volunteering at their church and feel like they want to transition into a full-time role.
And, in answering that question, it's helpful to hear other worship leaders' stories of how they became full-time worship pastors.
That's why, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "How To Become A Worship Leader with @worshipleadercoaching"
In the video, you'll hear from my worship leader friend Caleb Holgerson from Worship Leader Coaching. Caleb shares what his journey into full-time worship ministry looked like.
So, be encouraged - if it seems like it's taking you a while to become a full-time worship leader, you're not alone! This is a process.
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FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.