How to Care for Your Voice - Part 2 - Guest Post - Susan Browning
As a vocal coach for the past 16 years I’ve come across many people who are keen to learn the importance of looking after their voice.
Many factors contribute to how your voice functions: how much sleep you’ve had, sickness or recovery, how often you use your voice, using your voice correctly/incorrectly, seasons (pollens/illness), even air conditioning can dry your vocal cords out.
Your instrument isn’t like a guitar or piano, you can’t pick it up & expect it be 110% reliable every time. It’s part of your body & as singers we need to view the voice holistically.
Here are some tips to keep it in great condition:
1 | If you are sick: rest.
Don’t push yourself - listen to your body. Try honey, lemon & hot water combo - breathe in the steam whilst drinking. Lozenges are ok but try to get ones without alcohol or menthol as they numb your vocal cords & give you a false sense of recovery, pushing your voice as though we are well forgetting it's still inflamed & often prolong your recovery.
2 | Strengthen your sound by ensuring adequate support.
Engage your diaphragm support muscles, found just under your ribs when you create a “sh” or “ha” sound. Practice a panting loop: K, P, T, Sh, breathing in between each consonant. This engages the support muscles & develops strength over time. I do this for 1-2 minutes a day & have found it to be immensely helpful in activating my support when I speak & sing.
3 | Invest in your technique – work on scales & other vocal exercises so you are not hindered in the moment or get professional help.
The gift you have been given is one to be stewarded well, so look after it! Happy Singing!
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