How to Deal with Criticism
If you're in leadership, you're going to receive criticism. Heck, even if you're not in leadership you're going to be criticized. It's unavoidable. The question isn't how to avoid it but what to do with it.
What should you do when someone criticizes you?
1 | HEAR (Don't defend)
The first step is to hear what the person is saying. Defending is the opposite of hearing because when you're defending yourself, you're talking and you can't talk and listen at the same time. So take the time to actually hear the criticism. It doesn't mean you agree with it. It might mean you forget it 20 seconds after the person leaves. But take the time to listen.
The second step is to understand the criticism. This is crucial when it comes to criticism. Understand why the person said what they said. There may be some truth to it. Put yourself in their shoes. The other person also may just be an inconsiderate jerk. But in order for you to delineate between the two you have to truly understand where they're coming from.
Ask yourself the question: is there any truth in this? Is there anything I can glean from what they just said that will possibly make me better at what I do? "You never do the hymns anymore! We want to hear A Mighty Fortress Is Our God! When are you going to do it?" - Maybe you've neglected hymns in your preparation and should include more of them in your planning. Or maybe the vision for your church is to not do hymns frequently so the criticism is really just pointing out the vision of your church. Whatever the criticism, see what you can learn from it.
Take the necessary steps to move past the criticism. Have you learned something? Implement it. Was the criticism not founded in any truth? Forget it.
You can't avoid criticism. So what are you going to do with it?
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