Leading Worship with just an Acoustic Guitar - Different Chord Voicing - Part 2
It can be difficult to play dynamically when leading with just an acoustic.
Most of us think of dynamics in terms of strumming louder, strumming softer, palm muting, or finger picking.
One more way to think about dynamics is chord voicing.
Let's use everyone's favorite G chord for an example. You can play a G chord several different ways and each way lends itself to different dynamics:
1 | G (320033) - Open
2 | G (3x503x) - building
3 | G (x*10*x0*12*x) - Light and airy
4 | G (xx0787) - thin
5 | G (3x043) - Full
6 | G (*10*9080x) - Airy but strummable
There are a lot of different ways to play a G chord. Each voicing lends itself to a different dynamic.
Try some of these chords out on your own and see how they change the dynamics of the song. Then make sure you're following me @leadingworshipwell on Instagram where I post a new chord voicing every single Wednesday!
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