How to Introduce a New Song to Your Church - Teach the Congregation a Part - Part 2
One way to introduce a new song to your church is to teach them a part of it. Typically that part is the chorus or bridge.
It's important to teach them a part of the song because if you don't, they will just sit there trying to figure out the song the whole time you lead it.
In contrast, if you take the time to teach them the chorus, then every time you get to the chorus in the song they will be able to participate.
Here are two ways to teach them a part of a song:
1 | Before you lead the song, say to the congregation "Hey everyone! We want to teach you a new song today. (insert what the song is about here). We'd love to teach you the chorus! It goes like this." Then sing the chorus through a couple times and go into the song. This gives your congregation a fighting chance to participate in singing and ultimately connect with the song the first time you lead it.
2 | A more abstract way to introduce a new song is to tag the chorus or bridge onto a song that you're congregation is already familiar with. This could be done earlier in the service and then you introduce the new song at a later point. Or you can even introduce the chorus a week before.
For example, you could tag the bridge of King of My Heart onto the end of No Longer Slaves. Or you could tag the chorus of Reckless Love onto the end of How He Loves.
There are a ton of possibilities. Just make sure the themes, keys, and time signatures match up.
Next time you introduce a song to your church start by teaching them a part!
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