How to Review Your Sunday Worship Gatherings
Reviewing your Sunday gathering is an integral part of pursuing excellence. The only way you can improve is to look at the past and see what you can make better. This review process should be part of your weekly routine.
Here are 4 things you can do to review your worship gatherings:
1 | Ask: What did God do?
Start out with reflecting on what God did during your time. This is ultimately what matters. No amount of talent or excellence can replace God being present in your time of worship. Celebrate the stories from Sunday.
2 | Ask: What can we make better?
Now comes the hard part: give yourself an honest critique. If you think everything went perfectly and there's no room for improvement, you need to think a little bit harder. There is always something that can be improved. It helps to listen to a recording of your gathering. It can be difficult to remember things in the moment. Listen for specific things. How did the transitions between songs sound? Did your team seem locked in? Did you ramble for too long when you spoke? How was your pitch?
3 | Share it with your team
This is the step that most people forget. You've done all the legwork - now share what you've learned with your team! Let them listen to the recording of your service. Help them hear where you were offbeat or where someone went flat on a note. Don't keep what you've learned a secret - tell your team!
4 | Implement a solution
Finally, come up with a solution. How are you going to get better? How are you going to fix what didn't go well? Then, use your rehearsal time to address those specific problems. If it's rhythm - work on really locking into the click track (don't have a click track? Try pumping a metronome app from your phone through the monitors). If it's pitch - spend 1/2 hour with your vocalists working on vocal parts. Implement a solution!
How do you review your worship gatherings? Let us know in the comments!
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