I can't believe TOZER said this about worship. (Video)
"The church is not a religious theater to provide a place for amateur entertainers to display their talents!"
That quote is from A. W. Tozer.
I've never met a worship leader who doesn't like A. W. Tozer. Many worship leaders quote him all the time.
But I get the feeling that not a lot of worship leaders know what Tozer has said about them. He's said some incredibly harsh (but true) things!
That's why, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "I can't believe TOZER said this about worship."
In the video, I share 5 of the harshest things Tozer has said about worship in the modern church. After we get our feelings hurt together, we'll take a look at what we can learn from his insights.
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