Lead Spontaneous Worship | 5 Ways To Not Lose Your Church (Video)
You're feeling great...
You've created some space between the chorus and bridge of the worship song and you start into some spontaneous worship.
Your eyes are closed and you feel the Spirit moving.
Then, you open your eyes... and what do you see?
Your congregation staring back at you in a way that says "I have no idea what you're doing right now."
It's so important to lead spontaneous worship moments well because there is a huge risk of losing your congregation during them.
That's why, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "5 Ways To Not Lose Your Church In Spontaneous Worship."
In the video, you'll 5 practical things you can do to not lose your church when you lead spontaneous worship.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.