Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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Quit Being AFRAID To Lead Worship | Just do this... (Video)

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"I keep thinking people are having negative thoughts about how I'm leading worship."

"I struggle with BOLDNESS in my worship leading."

"How do I overcome the FEAR of worship leading?"

"I struggle with being vulnerable and even projecting my voice because I'm afraid of other's judgements."

These are all real conversations I've had with worship leaders in the Leading Worship Well community recently. Lack of confidence, fear, and self-consciousness are a struggle for a lot of worship leaders.

That's why, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "Quit Being AFRIAD To Lead Worship | Just do this..."

In the video, you'll learn how to overcome your FEAR of worship leading and lead with confidence this Sunday!

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