Saturday Challenge - Ask: What Can I Do Better Next Time?
I challenge you to ask someone the question: "What can I do better next time?"
Most worship leaders aren't satisfied with where they're at and want to grow in their worship leading. Whether that's musical ability, speaking transitions, praying in public, or some other element - you want to get better. The problem is - sometimes it's hard for you to see areas of improvement. One of the best ways to overcome that obstacle is to ask someone else for help. The simple question "What can I do better next time?" gives people the freedom to critique you and it gives you a chance to improve.
When you ask the question, "What can I do better next time?" you're telling the person you asked that you want their opinion. That might give them the freedom to say something that they've notice about your leadership that they never had the confidence to tell you before. The key to asking this question is to not defend yourself afterwards. If you truly want to get better, don't make excuses about the person's critique. Take their evaluation, see if it's true, and if it is - put a plan in place to fix the problem!
Before you go to church tomorrow, identify one person you trust to give you an honest evaluation and then ask them the question: "what can I do better next time?"
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.