Saturday Challenge - Do One SMALL THING To Prepare For A Week Off This Summer
I challenge you to do one SMALL THING to prepare for a week off this summer.
Get a jump start on preparing for vacation this year.
Pick songs out for the week you'll be away. Schedule someone to fill in for you. Tell your pastor you're taking a week off.
The more you prepare IN ADVANCE for your vacation the more RESTFUL it will be.
If you need some ideas about what you can do BEFORE you go on vacation, check out Thursday's post "5 Things Worship Leaders NEED To Do BEFORE Going On Vacation!"
Before you lead tomorrow, get one SMALL THING done that will prepare you for a week off this summer.
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.