3 Reminders About Church Attendance During This Season
As church's start to meet in person again, one of the questions worship leaders are wondering to themselves is: "How many people will be there?"
Will people actually show up this Sunday?
And will they come back next Sunday?
Maybe you've already started meeting in person and have had an AMAZING turn out just like you wanted.
But, if you've met and you were disappointed by the number of people who came, let me remind you of a few things.
(Keep in mind: these reminders aren't excuses for low church attendance BUT they're things to keep in mind as you process the past few weeks of church)
Here are 3 reminders about church attendance this season:
1 | Some people still don't feel comfortable returning to in person gatherings yet
The truth is even though you are meeting in person again as a church, not everyone is ready for in person gatherings.
Some people will choose to stay home.
And that's okay...
Don't treat people who choose to continue watching online for this season as "second class church members." Make sure to acknowledge them in your livestream and reach out to them during the week.
Check out the video on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel "5 Ways To Lead Online And In Person Worship At The Same Time."
2 | This past Sunday was Father's Day
Unfortunately, Father's Day is one of the LEAST attended Sundays of the year.
So, if you looked out into your congregation this Sunday and were disappointed by the amount of people, know that this weekend was a regular low attendance weekend.
Once again, this isn't an excuse for low attendance, but it's not uncommon for less people to be at church on Father's Day.
3 | It's summer
Church attendance normally drops in the summer as families go on vacations and plan other activities on Sunday mornings.
Don't worry - this is part of the normal cycle of church attendance. Things drop off in the summer and typically pick back up when school resumes in the fall.
All that to say, these 3 reasons add up to less people potentially coming to church during this season. Don't be discouraged! What you are doing is making a difference - whether you are leading 50 people or 500.
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