Saturday Challenge - Encourage Another Church In Their Livestream Chat
I challenge you to hop on another church's livestream this Sunday and encourage them.
I don't know about you but I've always wished I had the opportunity to go visit another church on Sunday.
I wanted to see how they did things. I wanted to connect with other worship leaders and encourage them.
But, I could never do that because I had my own church to lead on Sunday mornings.
Well, now we can actually do it!
We can be a part of other churches and strengthen/promote UNITY as the universal Church.
It doesn't take much.
This Sunday find another church's livestream and take a second to encourage them in the chat.
Tell them you love what they're doing and you're praying for them.
Let's be encouragers to other worship leaders and churches during this season where we have the unique opportunity of showing up in each other's lives on Sunday mornings!
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