3 Challenges For Worship Leaders In Lockdown
We're well past a month of being lockdowned. At this point the novelty has worn off and the boredom has set in.
So, what can you do as a worship leader to stay busy?
Here are 3 challenges for worship leaders in lockdown:
1 | Write a song
Now is the perfect time to be writing songs! Even if you've never written a song before, you have so much time in this season to sit down with your instrument and see what comes out.
Don't know where to start? Here are a few things to keep in mind.
First, there's no pressure. You don't have to share the song you've written with anyone. In fact, you probably SHOULDN'T share the first song you've ever written with your entire church because it's most likely horrible.
Sorry. But that's the truth.
Just like you wouldn't play guitar in front of your church if you've only been playing for a week; songwriting is a skill that needs to be developed over time.
So, take a deep breath. There's no pressure to share what you write. Just start building the skill.
Second, ask: what's going on in the life of my church right now that we can respond to in worship?
Use that to guide the general theme of your song.
Third, FINISH the song and move onto the next one.
That's the only way you improve. You don't get better by trying to make your first song perfect. You get better by writing a really bad song and moving onto the next one.
2 | Learn a non-worship song
Gasp! You mean worship leaders can play songs that aren't worship songs? Yes.
If you want to improve your musicianship, try learning a non-worship song.
Most worship songs are intentionally designed to be simple so that as many people can participate in singing along with them as possible. But, if that's all you ever play, that simplicity leads to musical malnourishment.
Learn some John Mayer or Ed Sheeran or that indie band you like that no one has ever heard of.
3 | Make a personal connection with someone in your church
Be an encourager during this season.
During this time of isolation, worship leaders need to find ways to connect with their church outside of Sunday morning.
Pick up your phone. Send a text to someone. Call someone. You aren't the only one who is bored.
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