Saturday Challenge - Meet Someone New In Your Church
I challenge you to meet someone new in your church tomorrow.
Relationships are the KEY to connecting with the people you are leading in worship.
If your church only knows you as "that guy or that girl that stands up front and sings on Sunday," they won't feel connected to you and you won't feel connected to them.
So before you lead worship tomorrow, stand out in the lobby and find someone you don't know. Say "Hi" to them. Introduce yourself. Ask them about themselves. And then (if you're an introvert who isn't good at small talk and you've run out of things to say), here's your line: "Well, I better go get ready to lead worship. It was nice meeting you!"
Before you lead tomorrow, make one connection with someone you don't know!
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FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.