Saturday Challenge - Open Your Eyes
Tomorrow I challenge you to open your eyes more often than you normally do while leading worship.
This is the one practical worship leading tip that has the power to instantly improve your worship leading.
Think about the ratio of the amount of time your eyes are open to the amount of time your eyes are closed while you lead worship. For most worship leaders, that number is about %75 of the time our eyes are closed and about %25 of the time our eyes are opened. What if we flipped the ratio? What if our eyes were open %75 of the time and closed only %25 of the time? You have the opportunity to find out this Sunday by putting this into practice!
Keeping your eyes open is important for three reasons:
1 | Connection - When you keep your eyes open you're able to connect with the people you're leading. Connection is so important when leading worship because we are in this together. Worship leader and congregation are together to connect with God in a unified way, encourage each other, and pray for each other. How can you do that if you never even look at the people you're leading?
2 | Worship leading is a conversation - Worship leading is a conversation first between you and God. Then between you and the people you're leading. Think about the last time you had a conversation with someone: you didn't talk to them with your eyes closed. You had them OPEN, your were looking them in the eye, and you were CONNECTING with them.
3 | You can see where people are at and lead them accordingly - Opening your eyes allows you to gauge where the people you're leading are at. Are they right beside you? Are they lagging behind becoming distracted by the baby who is crying in the third row? Or are they ahead of you and ready for something deeper? The only way you'll be able to answer this questions is if you open you're eyes and take the temperature of the room.
This Sunday: OPEN YOUR EYES! See how it can change the way you lead worship.
5 tips to instantly improve your worship leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.