How to Get Unstuck in Your Worship Leading
Have you ever felt like you hit a wall in your worship leading? One of those moments where you just realized you've done the same 10 songs for the past 3 months and haven't introduced anything new. One of those moments where you feel like every song you play is just G, D, Em, C over and over again. How can you break past that point?
One way to break out of this rut is to become a student of worship.
Did you know there are literally 10s of thousands of churches who stream their worship gatherings online? We have more access and ability to be students of worship leading than ever before.
Go find 3-4 churches and study how they approach worship: what songs do they do? What do they say in between songs? What keys do they do the songs in? How do they arrange their songs?
Find three types of churches to watch: a large church, a church that is just ahead of you in size, and a church that is the same size as yours. This will help you balance what you learn.
When you become a student of worship you break out of the rut you're stuck in by learning new things and incorporating them into your own worship leading.
5 tips to instantly improve your worship leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.