Saturday Challenge - Point People To The Christmas Story
I challenge you to point people to the Christmas story when you lead this Sunday.
But Christmas is over right? Wrong!
First of all, most Christmas songs are about when Jesus has already been born. So, it's okay to sing Christmas songs after December 25. In fact, it probably makes more sense to sing them after Christmas than it does leading up to Christmas.
Second, the Christmas celebration traditionally lasts until January 5. (Fun fact: that's where the 12 days of Christmas comes from (December 25-January 5)). That means you've still got some time to celebrate!
Third, Christmas carols contain theology that's valuable to your church. Don't skip over them this Christmas season. You can even still use some of those Christmas speaking transitions I gave you a few weeks ago over on the LWW YouTube channel!
Before you lead worship tomorrow, come up with a speaking transition to point people to the Christmas story.
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