Saturday Challenge - Read The Lyrics To A Song You're Leading
I challenge you to READ the lyrics of a song you'll be leading tomorrow.
Reading the lyrics of a song instead of just singing them is the key to properly evaluating the songs you choose for your church.
When you READ the lyrics of a song, a few things happen:
1 | You aren't distracted by the musicality of the song
2 | It makes you focus on the truth (or lack of truth) being expressed
3 | It helps you determine whether the language in the song is language the people of your church would actually use
Before you lead tomorrow, READ the lyrics of a song you're leading.
If you want a little more context around how to choose songs for your church, this week's video on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel covers that topic. It's called "How To Choose Worship Songs | 3 Criteria For Congregational Worship Songs."
In the video, you'll learn 3 criteria you should be looking for when picking out songs for your church.
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FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.