5 Signs You Need A Week Off From Leading Worship
Ever feel tired from leading worship but you think to yourself, "Eh... I don't need a week off. I'm just not feeling it this week." But too often, that thought happens week after week after week. And suddenly, you haven't taken a week off for 2 years because "this is just a season right?" So, how do you know when you need a week off?
Here are 5 signs you need a week off from leading worship:
1 | Things that used to come easy take forever to do
What are those things in worship ministry that come easy to you? Is it planning set lists? Is it writing songs? Keep an eye on those things that "come easy to you." When those things start to feel like they take an hour to do instead of 15 minutes, you might need a week off.
2 | You've lost the creativity you once had
Creativity is an interesting measure of tiredness because it is just as much perspiration as it is inspiration. In fact, you can be full of energy but simply not feel creative. But, a lack of new ideas over a long period of time in areas that you were previously constantly creating in could be a sign that you need a week off.
3 | Small things annoy you disproportionately
Sure. We all get annoyed by small things. When people don't show up to rehearsal prepared. When our pastor gives us his slides a few moments before the service starts. It's normal to be annoyed by those things. But, when SMALL things annoy you in a LARGE way, it's a sign that your fuse is getting short. And it might be a heart problem or it might be a sign you just need a break.
4 | You complain more than you compliment
Take note of the ratio of your complaints vs your compliments. When we are recharged and refreshed, we tend to complain less and compliment more. If you find yourself starting to complain more and compliment less - it may be a heart issue or you might just need some time off.
5 | Worship leading has become a job instead of a privilege
If you've lead worship for any length of time, you've probably run into a Sunday where you "just didn't feel like leading." Those moments happen from time to time but when it becomes a prolonged period of "just not feeling like it" you may need a week off.
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