Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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Small Church Leaders, You Aren't Alone

85% of churches have under 200 people in their congregation. If you fall into that category, you are not the minority - you're the majority! So why do we always assume that we're in a small church compared to everyone else? It's because larger churches have more resources to put towards social media. They make themselves more visible. That isn't a bad thing. It's just how it is.

Let me assure you, small church leader, you are not alone:

1 | You aren't the only one with a small budget

Worship teams all over the world run on little to no budget. They use what they have and you know what? It's okay! It doesn't matter that you have an analog board instead of a digital board. Would the upgrade be nice? Sure! But it's not necessary. As long as your gear is helping you fulfill what you're currently trying to do, you're set. 

Here's the problem: no one has enough money to accomplish everything they want. If you do, you don't have a big enough vision. As @craiggroeschel says, good leaders always have more vision than money. Good leaders dream big.

2 | You aren't the only one with a small team

You aren't the only one leading worship by yourself on Sunday mornings. Everyone is wishing for a bigger team. Everyone wants a drummer. And you know what happens when they finally get them? They want redundancy - additional people to fill the roles. It's a cycle that continues to build.

Pour into the team you do have! Don't miss the opportunity God has put right in front of you because you're looking at what you want to happen in the future. 

3 | You aren't the only one without enough time

You aren't the only one who isn't on full-time staff at your church. There are more volunteer worship leaders than staffed ones. And even the staffed ones don't have enough time to accomplish everything they want.

Learn how to manage your time properly. Short focused work is more impactful than long unfocused work. Learn how to prioritize what will really move your team forward.