3 last-minute speaking transitions for worship leaders. (Video)
It’s Friday and you have no idea what you’re going to say between songs on Sunday.
Let me help you.
In the video, I’ll give you 3 worship speaking transitions you can use this Sunday. One is a Call to Worship. Another is a time of Confession. And the third is an Assurance of Pardon that reminds your church of the work Christ has done on their behalf…
Write a worship speaking transition in under 5 minutes. (My method) (Video)
I've got a secret method I use to write worship speaking transitions in 5 minutes or less...
And I'm not talking about tiny, little "Let's stand and worship." speaking transitions. I'm talking about speaking transitions that are filled with Scripture.
I use it pretty much every single time I lead worship…
What To Say Between Worship Songs | 4 Steps To Start Speaking Between Worship Songs (Video)
In the video, you'll learn all about what to say between worship songs. In the process, you'll learn 4 questions you can answer to help form your speaking transitions. Use these questions to know what to say between worship songs every single time!…
3 Spots During Your Worship Set To Use A Speaking Transition
Over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, we've started looking at how to speak while you're leading worship. That series continues tomorrow with a new video called "What To Say Between Worship Songs | 4 Steps To Start Speaking Between Worship Songs."
So, maybe you're starting to get an understanding of WHAT you should be saying while leading worship. But, there's another question to answer - WHERE should you be speaking?…
What To Say Before You Lead Worship | The 4-Step Formula For Welcoming People Into Worship (Video)
Yesterday, we looked at a few things you can do to help people show up to church on time. Now the question is: what do you do now that people are actually in the room when the countdown hits zero? Do you just head into the first song? Do you say the default, "Let's stand and worship." (Anyone else guilty of that or just me?)…