how to pray during worship

How To Pray While Leading Worship | 3 Ways Your Private Prayers Affect Your Public Prayers (Video)

Do you ever feel nervous or awkward when you pray while leading worship?

Maybe you've heard other worship leaders pray and you think, "They always seem to know the right thing to pray for and say it in just the right way."

Want to know the secret to being more confident in your public prayers?…

3 Ways Your Private Prayers Affect Your Public Prayers

Have you ever been to a worship conference or another church and heard another worship leader pray an elegant prayer? And you think to yourself, "Man! I could never pray like that!" Well, first of all, our goal as worship leaders isn't to pray elegant prayers (see Paul's words in 1 Cor 2:1-5). But, chances are, those worship leaders didn't just wake up one day with the ability to pray like that…