keep your eyes open

Eyes open or closed during worship? (Response to @Paulandmorgan) (Video)

I was scrolling on Instagram recently and ran across a clip from a fellow YouTuber.

He was talking about how he used to lead worship when he was growing up and one time his worship leader told him he should keep his eyes open.

As you know, I talk about keeping your eyes open while leading worship all the time. So I was interested in hearing what people had to say about it...

3 Ways To Keep Your Eyes Open While Leading Worship

Think about the last time you led worship: what amount of time were your eyes closed and what amount of time were your eyes open?

For most worship leaders, that ratio is 75% closed to 25% open. But, what would happen if you flipped that ratio? What if you were able to keep your eyes open 75% of the time and closed only 25% of the time? This one small change can have a huge impact on how you lead worship…