praying during worship

The SIMPLEST way to pray during worship. (Video)

Ever feel like you’re just praying the same thing over and over again during your service?

⁠Or maybe you aren’t comfortable with praying in public so you never lead prayer at all?

As a worship leader, we’re often called upon to lead times of corporate prayer. But a lot of leaders struggle with knowing HOW to pray and WHAT to pray for.

The #1 Secret To Praying In Public Without Fear | Tips For Praying While Leading Worship (Video)

Have you ever felt awkward about praying while leading worship? Or maybe you feel uncomfortable?

You hear all of these other worship leaders pray elegant prayers that flow so smoothly and you feel like when you pray in public your words come out in a jumbled mess…

3 Practical Ways You Can Follow The Spirit While Leading Worship

If you've been in the worship leading space for any length of time, you've probably heard the phrase "just follow the Spirit." It's spouted by speakers, authors, and is particularly common in online discussions in Facebook groups and forums…

3 Tips For Praying While Leading Worship

One of the things that new worship leaders often feel uncomfortable with is praying in front of people. They hear other leaders who pray elegant prayers and always seem to pray the right thing at the right time. Maybe you think, "I could never pray like that."

If you lead worship for any amount of time, chances are you'll have more than a few opportunities to pray. So what should you pray? How do you do it in front of the people you're leading?…

3 Things Worship Leaders Should Do While Their Pastor Is Preaching

You finish your last song before the message and your pastor walks up on stage. You find your seat in the congregation... now what? Obviously, you can sit there and listen to your pastor preach along with the rest of your church. But what if there were other things you could do that would help you lead worship well when you come up to lead that final song or two after your pastor is done?…

3 Tips For Praying While Leading Worship

Praying in public can be nerve-racking the first few times you do it. You compare yourself to all of the worship leaders you've heard pray before and you think to yourself, "I sound nothing like that!" But, there are a few things you can do to prepare to pray in public and calm your nerves…