worship leading mistakes

7 mistakes beginner worship leaders make their first time leading worship (Video)

There are 7 mistakes I see beginner worship leaders make over and over again…

In fact, some worship leaders who AREN’T beginners make these mistakes too…

The BIGGEST mistake worship leaders make. (Video)

I've made a lot of mistakes during my 17 years of worship leading but this one beats them all.

I'm not alone in what I did - I see worship leaders making this same mistake everywhere I look…

Worship Fails | Do THIS when things go horribly wrong (Video)

You forget the words. Ableton crashes. You start a song in the wrong key. Your guitar strap breaks and sends your precious six-string careening towards the ground…

5 Mistakes I Made When I First Started Leading Worship (Video)

Do you remember the first time you led worship? I remember mine…

3 Mistakes Worship Leaders Frequently Make (And How To Fix Them!) (Video)

If you've been leading worship for any amount of time, chances are you've probably made a mistake or two...

It's probably not possible to NEVER make a mistake again in your worship leading BUT we can learn from mistakes and improve…

3 Steps To Take When Things Go Wrong While Leading Worship

The truth is: If you lead worship for any length of time, you're going to make mistakes. Things aren't always going to go perfectly. Sometimes it'll be your fault. Sometimes it's a tech problem. Usually it's the drummers fault (just kidding). You can't always control what's going to happen BUT you can control how you respond to it…

3 Mistakes Worship Leaders Frequently Make

Sometimes worship leaders make mistakes. There. I said it. And sometimes, they don't just make mistakes, they make them over and over again. And the worst part is that, often times, you don't even know that you're making them…

The 4 Most Common Worship Leading Mistakes

Mistakes happen. They're often the best way to learn. And if you lead worship for any amount of time, you're going to make a mistake or two. The problem isn't making the mistake itself - it's when you don't learn from it…