The 5 Best Investments You Can Make In Your Worship Ministry (That Don't Cost Any Money!)
There are a ton of things that you can invest into in your worship ministry.
I'm sure you could think of 15 pieces of gear you'd like to upgrade right now.
You wish you had a digital board. Maybe some in-ear monitors. A new guitar pedal.
And all of those are fun and exciting. And there is no doubt that they are useful tools in your worship ministry.
But, the best investments you can make in your worship ministry are into things that don't cost anything at all.
Here are the 5 best investments you can make in your worship ministry:
1 | Invest in the fundamentals of worship leading
You know what doesn't change? The fundamentals of worship leading.
Preparing well to lead worship won't change in the next 20 years. Learning how to craft speaking transitions isn't going to change. Worship team leadership skills won't be different in 30 years.
2 | Invest in your personal relationship with God
The best investment for your worship leading is your personal relationship with God. Why? Because it's what everything flows out of.
What you do in private comes out in public. So, overflow from a place of an authentic personal relationship with God.
3 | Invest in the people you're leading
Personal connections are the key to leading your church well. If you want to lead people well, you have to know them. You have to know what's going on in their lives. That information will guide how you prepare - it'll direct you in your song selection, in your speaking transitions, and how you pray for your church.
4 | Invest in your worship team
The foundation to a healthy worship ministry is a healthy worship team. Spend time investing in your team.
Invest relationally. Don't just be a band that gets together and plays on Sundays - be a family.
Invest in their musical and spiritual growth. Don't just use them to strum some chords - care about their personal growth.
5 | Invest in your preparation
You will never show up to lead worship and think to yourself: "Man. I wish I prepared less." A worship leader who leads well is a worship leader who prepares well. Invest the time - reap the benefits.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.