The Easiest Way To Improve Your Worship Leading Is To Get To Know The People You're Leading

The Easiest Way To Improve Your Worship Leading Is To Get To Know The People You're Leading

Everybody wants a quick tip on how to improve their worship leading.

"I heard David played a secret chord and it pleased the Lord... maybe I need to go download Spencer's free '25 Advanced Guitar Chords' pdf."

"I wonder if there's one simple thing I can do that would take me 10 seconds during my worship leading preparation that would improve my worship leading?"

Those tips are fun. And I talk about them a decent amount.

But let's not overlook the simplest thing you can do to improve your worship leading:

Build relationships with the people you are leading.

It's so simple. You simply talk to people in your church, get to know them, and ultimately lead them better.

How's it happen?

Here are 3 reasons to build relationships with the people you are leading in worship:

1 | It builds trust

People won't follow you until they trust you. And how do you build trust? You build relationships.

You let people know that you aren't JUST that guy or girl who plays music on Sundays.

You are a member of the church just like they are. You're a normal person. And you care about what's going on in their lives.

Once people know that - they'll be more likely to trust you.

So get to know the people of your church!

2 | You know what songs people need to sing

Building relationships with the people in your church also helps you lead them more specifically.

Want to know what songs you should be leading in your church? Get to know what's going on in people's lives.

Think about what truth about God they need to respond to in their specific circumstance. Then, pick songs that highlight and allow them to respond to that truth.

3 | Speaking transitions become simple

It's hard to know what to say while leading worship.

And it IS hard if you don't know the people you're leading.

But the more you get to know the people you're leading, the easier it becomes.

You no longer have to conjure some great truth to share with your church.

You simply get to know what's going on in their lives. Think about how you can speak truth over their circumstances. Then, speak that truth.

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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading

FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.