The Importance of Rest

the importance of rest for worship leaders

When's the last time you took a break? Not like a 5 minute nap but a full Sunday off?

Small church leader (and large church leaders too), I know what it's like. You're the only one capable of leading worship. You have to be there. The thing is: that's a recipe for burn out. If you plan on leading from now until eternity you need a better plan.

It's all about creating a sustainable rhythm for ministry. And part of that rhythm is rest. That's not my idea - it's God's (see Genesis 1).

So how can you make it happen when you don't have anyone else that can lead worship? It's all about planning. If you haven't taken a week off in 5 years this is what you need to do. 1. Open your calendar. 2. Pick a date 6 months out. 3. Schedule it as a week off. GASP!

Now you have 6 months to plan for what that Sunday that you aren't going to be leading worship looks like. Some ideas for how to handle your week off: invite another worship leader to lead worship at your church, coordinate with your pastor and have them teach on a holistic approach to worship, OR train up a new leader in those 6 months (check yesterday's post).

20 year old worship leader --> if you want to do ministry for 45 more years you're going to need a break at some point.

45 year old worship leader --> you're not going to be around forever, who are you raising up to take your place?

Pick the date. Plan for your absence so you don't leave your church hanging. Then truly enjoy the rest.

Sometimes leading worship well means taking a week to not lead worship at all. 

What's your favorite way to recharge? Let us know in the comments below!

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