How to Raise up New Worship Leaders in Your Church

Raise up leaders in your church

What does your system for raising up new leaders look like?

The honest truth is that in 100 years we are not going to be the ones leading worship at our church. But the flipside of that is that we have the opportunity to affect the way worship is led in our church long after we're gone. READ THAT SENTENCE AGAIN.

The things you do today have the potential (for better or for worse) to affect the future worship leadership of your church.

This is all about raising new leaders. This message isn't just for the 65 year old who is about to step down from leading worship at their church because "it's time" - this is for the 30-year old, and the 22-year old who just got that new part-time worship leader position, and even for the 16 year old who hasn't had the chance to lead worship by themselves yet. Wherever you are, you are a leader or something and have the ability to influence other people.

So how do you do it? Connection and mentoring.

Start by CONNECTING with people in your church who you identify as having the potential to lead worship someday. Maybe they're just learning how to play guitar, or piano, or drums but you've recognized the potential they have.

Then COMMUNICATE THAT POTENTIAL. Don't keep it a secret: specifically tell them "I see potential in you to lead worship someday and I would love for you to join us at worship rehearsals."

Next, MENTOR THEM. Don't leave them hanging. Give them direction. Teach them their instrument. Explain your through process behind how you plan worship sets. Give them that behind the scene information that they wouldn't get otherwise.

Finally, GIVE THEM A SAFE SPACE TO LEAD. After months and years of preparation, when you feel they are ready, give them the opportunity to lead with you. It doesn't have to be on a Sunday morning. Start small. Ask them to lead with you at a bible study, or just to lead a song with you at worship team rehearsal. Giving small steps for them to grow creates lasting impact.

ACTION: Identify one person in your church that you are going to build into in this next month. Communicate the potential you see in them, invite them to rehearsal, and disciple them.

Are you currently mentoring new worship leaders in your church? What's your best tip?

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