Worship Songwriting Tip - Just Finish!
What's your best songwriting tip? Leave your answer in the comments below!
Songwriting was a hot topic on my account last week. This past Saturday I led a songwriting session with 10 creatives from my church.
I truly believe that songs birthed in the local church (songs that may not ever be taken outside of your church) are equally as powerful and important as songs written by Chris Tomlin.
Here's my number one songwriting tip: JUST FINISH!
Whatever it takes, just finish the song. I learned this tip from Joe Gilder (he has an awesome Youtube channel if you're into recording).
It takes writing a lot of bad songs to get a good one. So embrace and enjoy the PROCESS not just the OUTCOME. It's not enough to just wait for inspiration to come. Songwriting is a skill and a muscle you've got to work on. So put in the work and as you do it songwriting becomes quicker and you start to produce a better end product.
Pick up your preferred instrument tonight and write the worst song ever. That's the only way you're going to get better!
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FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.