Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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The Key To Properly Implementing Worship Leading Tips: Context Is King

Over the past several years, I've put out a lot of information about worship leading. Like 250,000 words and 150+ videos worth of information!

Not only that, you probably follow several other worship leading resources that put out a similar amount of information.

In the sea of information, it can be hard to apply what you learn.

That's where CONTEXT comes into play.

You see, in the limitless library of worship leading lessons, the only way to know what to apply is to consider your context.

Here are 3 reasons context is the key to properly implementing worship leading tips:

1 | Each church is unique

Your church is unique.

What might work in my church might not work in your church.

A church in rural Arkansas probably needs to be led differently than a church in urban California.

Therefore, the blogs you read and videos you watch online need to be filtered through your specific context.

2 | Your church needs YOU

Not only is your CHURCH unique. YOU are unique.

We all have different styles of leadership. And, while those styles may be different, that doesn't mean that one is necessarily better than the other.

Your church doesn't need you to be Craig Groeschel or Louie Giglio or Michael Todd. Your church needs YOU to be YOU.

That doesn't mean that you never need to level up your leadership and learn from other great leaders - it just means that, at the end of the day, you ultimately know best how to lead in your specific context.

3 | How to determine if something works in your context

So, how do you actually determine if something works in your specific context?

First, run it through a simple filter: "What am I trying to accomplish in my church right now? Will this thing help me accomplish that?"

The key to knowing WHAT to implement is knowing WHERE you're headed.

Then, EXPERIMENT! Don't be afraid to try something new.

You have 52 Sundays in a year to try things out.

Try something new for a few Sundays. Evaluate if it works. If it does, keep it. If it doesn't, move on.

It's that simple.

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