The ONE doctrine that will fix your worship leading. (Video)
I’ve been talking a lot about using the Bible in your worship leading over on my YouTube channel.
But there is ONE doctrine about the Bible that worship leaders always forget.
Sure, we believe the Bible is inspired. We heartily affirm it is the Word of God.
We believe the Bible is inerrant - meaning it is without error.
We believe the Bible is infallible - meaning that it is absolutely trustworthy and never wrong.
But there is one more doctrine about the Bible that worship leaders never remember.
That's why, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "The ONE doctrine that will fix your worship leading."
In the video, you’ll learn what this doctrine about the Bible is AND how it will fix most of the problems in your worship leading.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.