The Return To IN PERSON Worship | 5 Things Worship Leaders NEED to Consider (Video)
Churches are so close to meeting in person again! In fact, as coronavirus lockdowns lift, some churches have already started to resume in person Sunday services again.
Wherever your church is in the process, it's important for you as a worship leader to consider some things as you step out of lockdown and back into in person church services.
That's why, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "The Return To IN PERSON Worship | 5 Things Worship Leaders NEED To Consider."
In this video, you'll learn 5 things that worship leaders need to consider for when the coronavirus lockdowns lift and we return to in person church services.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.