Those Worship People With Nathan Drake From Reawaken Hymns

Those Worship People With Nathan Drake From Reawaken Hymns

I just got done having an awesome conversation with Nathan Drake over on the Reawaken Hymns YouTube channel.

Reawaken Hymns is all about breathing new life into old hymns. Nathan does a great job taking classic hymns and putting them into a modern context. So, if you're interested in incorporating more hymns into your worship leading, definitely check him out!

Recently Nathan started a new series on his channel called "Those Worship People" where he hangs out with worship leaders and creators from around the world. Each week he meets a new worship leader to talk shop, have some fun, and play a few games.

The best part? He invited me on today and we got to talk for about an hour about worship leading. We talked about my worship leading story, my most embarrassing worship leading fail, and a bunch of other hot seat questions.

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