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What Gets Celebrated Gets Repeated

"What gets celebrated gets repeated." - Andy Stanley

Celebration is a great way to reinforce the things you value. When you celebrate something, it shows that it's important. People love to be celebrated and it makes them want to do what they were celebrated for again.

There are two ways this relates to your worship leading:

1 | Leading your team

That vision you've been trying to constantly keep in front of your team... don't just talk about it, celebrate it! When you see someone putting into practice what you've identified as valuable to your team, celebrate them. Don't just bring up timeliness when they're late to rehearsal. If someone shows up early and is ready to go on time - thank them! The same thing goes for being prepared. If you notice someone put in a lot of effort to learn a certain part - tell them you noticed. Don't keep it a secret!

What gets celebrated gets repeated. Reinforce your worship team values through celebration.

2 | Leading your church

Celebration is also applicable on a much larger and general scale. You can celebrate your entire church while you're leading them in worship. When you point out the specific effort that they're putting into worshiping God they're more likely to do it again. If they're singing loudly, tell them! "You all sound amazing this morning!" 

Hebrews 10:24 - Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing but encouraging one another.

It's all of our jobs to encourage and spur one another one. Celebrate your team and church!