What to Do When Things Go Wrong While Leading Worship
We've all been there. You messed up. It's frustrating but it's inevitable.
Maybe you started How He Loves in 4/4. (Please tell me I'm not the only one who has done this.) Maybe you started a song in an unsingable key (search Wake the Dawn - Like A Lion on Youtube if you want to see one of my biggest mistakes ever. Enjoy!)
Whatever it is, you have two options: wallow in self-pity and embarrassment OR learn from your mistakes.
The answer is obvious: learn from your mistakes. Easier said then done. So forgive yourself, know that God's love and plan for you is not based on one mistake you made, and maybe check that Youtube video I mentioned out and see that it's possible to survive after a mistake.
How do you learn?
First, IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM: What went wrong? Did you start the song too fast? Was it the wrong key? Were you not prepared? Find the cause of the problem.
Second, FIX THE PROBLEM: Sit down on your own time and work the problem out. Get it right.
Third, ACCEPT THE MISTAKE AND MOVE ON: once you know what you've done wrong, accept that it happened and consider it a learning experience. Since playing How He Loves in 4/4, I've never played it in the wrong time signature again because I learned from my mistake. And that time I played Like A Lion in the wrong key? That led me to discover how to put songs in a singable key.
Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days. (shout out to Miley Cyrus) So learn from them.
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