What to Say Between Worship Songs
Have you ever been stuck when it comes to what to say between songs? You feel like you need to say something but you don't really know what it is. So you either stay completely silent or ramble about something that doesn't really have a point.
Here are 4 questions you can answer to help you formulate what to say between songs:
1 | Where are we headed?
In order to lead, you have to know where you're going. What's the ultimate destination for your worship gathering? It helps to work with your pastor in finding this answer. The answer to this question isn't something you make up - it's something you discover through prayer and listening to God. Where does God want to take your church during your worship gathering?
2 | How are we getting there?
Next, start answering the specifics. What's the plan that's set in place for your gathering and how do each of those pieces lead you to the next one? Maybe you've got song themes that fit together. Maybe you've got special elements like a testimony or a video that you're going to use. Figure out the path that you're headed on. This will not only help you know what you need to say - it'll also let you know when you need a speaking transition.
3 | What does my church need to know?
Now that you've laid the foundation - start to think about what you need to say. Your church won't know the direction of your worship gathering unless you specifically tell them. So let them know, "Today we're going to be focusing on the love of God." Then speak a bit about what that means for them. Lead them into the focus.
4 | What does my church need to do?
Don't just leave them with information. Good worship leaders use information to lead people to action. End with letting your church know what they need to do: focus on a specific aspect of who God is as they worship him, think about a situation in their own life where they've seen God's faithfulness, etc.
Want to know what to say while you lead worship from the beginning of your service to the very end?
I just finished a whole series on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel called “What To Say While Leading Worship - The Ultimate Guide.”
Check out the videos below:
What To Say Before You Lead Worship | The 4-Step Formula For Welcoming People Into Worship
What To Say Between Worship Songs | 4 Steps To Start Speaking Between Worship Songs
How To Pray During Worship | 3 Tips For Praying While Leading Worship
What To Say At The End Of Your Worship Service | 3 Steps To Let People Know Your Service Has Ended
What To Say While Leading Worship | Q&A
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