What You Do in Private Comes Out in Public
Here's the truth: What you do in private comes out in public. Those private disciplines you've built over the years slowly but surely creep into your public life. That can be either scary or exhilarating. You may be able to fake it and do all the things that you're supposed to do for a while, but eventually the true you comes out.
So, what are you doing in private? Are they things that are going to help you minister better? Or are you simply relying on knowing the right things to do in the moment?
Here are 3 ways your private life reveals itself in your public life:
1 | Prayer life
Have you ever heard one of those people who are really good public prayers? It seems like they know all of the right things to say and you're amazed by their ability to pray. Most of the time, that's a reflection of their private prayer life. They didn't just walk into church on Sunday and suddenly start praying these amazing prayers - these are prayers that are birthed out of their private time with God. The language they use isn't for show, it's a vocabulary they've built over time with God.
If you want to improve your public prayers, focus on your private prayers.
2 | Preparation
This one's obvious. The more you privately prepare the more it shows in public. People can tell when you're winging it - you're not getting away with one when you walk in on Sunday morning and figure you'll just make up the transitions as you go. This goes for speaking transitions. This goes for musical transitions. This goes for leading your worship team rehearsals. You need a plan.
Before you publicly present, privately prepare.
3 | Character
This has the potential to be the most damaging. As they say, "character is what you do when no one is looking." What they don't tell you is that character is also what you say to your team after a 2 and a half hour rehearsal when the AC is broken and it's 90 degrees inside.
Who you are privately eventually comes out publicly.
5 tips to instantly improve your worship leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.