Why your church doesn’t sing on Sunday. (And how to fix it) (Video)
It’s happened to all of us - you get a few songs into your worship service on Sunday and you look into your congregation and all you see are blank stares.
No one is singing. They’re just standing there.
They might be worshipping in their hearts but they aren’t worshipping with their mouths.
We want our people to SING - not because it makes us feel better about ourselves - but because we know that we’re commanded in Scripture to “address one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.” (Ephesians 5:19)
So why isn’t our church singing? And how can we help them sing?
Well, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "Why your church doesn’t sing on Sunday. (And how to fix it)"
In the video, you’ll learn 5 reasons your church isn’t singing and what you can do to help remove every excuse they have not to sing.
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