Why Isn't Your Church Singing? - Put Your Songs in a Singable Key - Part 3
In part 1 and 2, we looked at how to lead people into worship so they're ready to sing and how to pick songs that people need to sing.
Maybe you've done those two things and people still aren't singing!
Here's one more reason they might still not sing: YOUR SONGS AREN'T IN THE RIGHT KEY!
Up until a few years ago, I had no idea how to put the songs I was leading into a singable key. I am a full blown bass and so I would always put my songs in keys that were way too low for people to sing.
When I finally learned how to pick correct keys for songs, it changed the way I led worship and allowed the people I was leading to engage on a deeper level.
Here's how you do it:
1 | Learn the melody of the song on your preferred instrument.
2 | Take note of the range of the song. Where does the highest and lowest note fall?
3 | Move the key of the song around until the melody falls within a low Bb (1st fret of the A string on a guitar) and a high Eb (8th fret of the G string on a guitar)
There will be times where compromises have to be made depending on the range of the song but seek to put the part that you want people to sing out the most within the range of Bb to Eb.
5 tips to instantly improve your worship leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.