Worship Leader, This is Why You are Not Failing

Worship leaders not failing

Over the past week I've gotten a lot of DMs and looked at a lot of posts from people who feel like they're failing.

"I didn't get to lead any songs this weekend." "I just lead worship by myself on Sunday mornings in front of 20 people." "Our church can't afford an in ear monitor setup." "We can only afford to use PowerPoint to run lyrics and my mom puts the presentation together because no one else wants to do it." - Okay I made that last one up but I bet someone thought it at some point!

Let me let you in on a secret: YOU'RE NOT FAILING!

Believe it or not, this was God's design. There seems to be a misunderstanding (it stems from pride) that if we aren't on the same level as @hillsong or @passioncitychurch or @randomchurchinyourtownthatsbiggerthanyours then we've failed. I have nothing against those churches and I love and follow what they're doing because I think I can learn from it. But in the end, they're just doing their part in being the Church (that's a capital C). We all play a part - from the person that leads 20 people in a house church to the person that leads 2000 on a Sunday morning.

You have the opportunity to build relationships and lead people in worship that other people will never have the chance to. The end goal isn't to have a huge platform or end up on the @ccli.global top 100 list. The end goal is that we serve the church, where God has placed us and we're helping people grow in their relationship with God.

Are you serving the Church where you are? Then YOU ARE WINNING!

5 tips to instantly improve your worship leading

FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.